8 Reasons to Take Advantage of the AirBrush Black Friday Sale

It’s about that time again. Time for all the sales to be announced and snapped up in a pre-Christmas warm-up. And we’re not about to be left out, so we’re pleased to announce the AirBrush Black Friday Sale. Here are the deets – our Black Friday Sale runs from November 24-27 and there’s a 50% discount to take advantage of. Additionally, we’ll be offering a 30% discount for Cyber Monday. That’s a full five days for you to cash in on savings with AirBrush. Now you know the where and when of our sale, let’s get into why you should take advantage of our Black Friday Sale.


AirBrush Black Friday Sale - relight

Always-perfect lighting is always on hand with Relight. The Technicolor feature instantly makes all photos look more professional with studio-quality lights. It’ll look like they were taken in a fully produced set-up. This is great news for brands looking to reuse assets that may just need a few tweaks to look completely new. But if you just looking for better illumination, then the Custom option lets you do that. You can select the direction your subject is lit from. Not enough lighting on set or in your room? Our premium subscription has got you covered for the next year if you get in the AirBrush Black Friday Sale.


AirBrush Black Friday Sale - eraser

This time of year, there may be some pics in your camera roll that you’d like to post. If it wasn’t for that one detail or one person spoiling the pic. Our premium tool Eraser will make quick work of disappearing unwanted persons or photobombers in your photos. Think about the photos you save from the delete folder with the ability to remove those objects completely. Eraser falls under the 50% discount in our Black Friday Sale for the next year. And we have to say, it sounds like the right way to put an AirBrush subscription to work for you.


AirBrush Black Friday Sale - bokeh

Bokeh is one of those pro-looking effects that just make your photos that bit more eye-catching. It can be used to set the mood of the photos as it acts to isolate the main subject of the photo. This way you can block out distractions or mask the fact that the photo was shot last spring. The AirBrush Black Friday Sale offers Bokeh and all its options for half-price starting November 24th. So you can start editing your photos from then. You can shift the intensity of the effect up or down and experiment with different shaped Bokeh effects all throughout the next year. And remember, you can fix any mistakes with the built-in Bokeh eraser.

Beauty Magic

woman leaning on tree

There are some insecurities that always tend to pull your eye otherwise perfect pic. With Beauty Magic, the power is in your hands to step in and make sure you look as flawless. There’s the automatic smoothing effect and lip plumper, that is totally customisable to suit your personal taste. Besides that, you can play around with modifying different facial features or adjusting your Skin Tone. We promise that Beauty Magic has your back for making you look your best. 


AirBrush Black Friday Sale - filters

A super simple way to elevate photos is with professionally graded lighting and colors. This applies to. personal photos and branding level-ups. You can get the right mood lighting with our Filters and choose one that represents your personal and/or brand voice. Now is a great time to invest in our premium Filters because you can jump on our Black Friday Sale. Filters are a great option to keep your feed cohesive on different platforms. Particularly if you offer a variety of product categories; using the same filter helps connect the products to your personal or business brand in viewers’ brains.


man with silver rings

You can change backdrops easily with this tool. And that’s handier than you might think at first. As a hobbyist, you can use this tool to switch out repetitive areas shooting areas. For brands, you can change a studio shoot to outdoors or even overseas locations if need be. Built-in customisation tools give a solid blend that makes the edit look seamless. That said, Background can be used for switching out the surroundings in your photo. Use this tool to insert people into the photo or change up styling choices by overlaying a new pattern, color or an entirely new item of clothing. 


cups of coffee

Stamp is one premium editing tool any professional content creator can find a use for. It can be used to replicate and paste sections of a photo. This comes in handy if you need to duplicate products or cover an unwanted area on your photo. Consider this, if you capture distracting objects in your photography, you can now remove said items by stamping over them with another part of the pic. Alternatively, you can showcase multiple product samples by simply replicating an individual item to have your followers seeing double or triple in just two simple steps! This is just another of the premium tools available in the AirBrush Black Friday Sale.


woman in yellow sweater

Social media platforms may be image heavy but text still has a prominent role to play, particularly for businesses. Think of it this way, the image does the job of pulling the viewer’s eye, and then Text communicates your message in a quick hit. The copy (what the text says) will be determined by whether you’re trying to persuade, entertain or educate your audience. AirBrush makes creating the copy for your content easy because Text allows for changes in font, size, color, background and transparency. 

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Now if that doesn’t convince you, we don’t know what will. Our tools are extremely versatile and can produce impactful edits, whether you use them for your personal feed or to promote your business. AirBrush, the easy photo editor, will keep your online platforms and visual assets looking fresh, engaging and professional. Take advantage of the AirBrush Black Friday Sale and our Cyber Monday Sale as well, for a whole year of premium tool access. Tag any posts online with #AirBrushApp and then follow us @AirBrushOfficial for the latest tips, tricks and hacks on using our premium features.