Introducing: Bia Santos

Hello, how are you?

I’m Bia Santos and it’s a pleasure to be here to help you with one of the things I love most: photography !! Before I start giving you many tips and trick from my daily experience, I’ll tell you a little bit about myself. I’m 21 and live in Rio. I’m passionate about the world and I love writing. When I was little I wrote some chapters of a book that I never showed to anyone out of sheer shame. Now this time is long gone. 🙂

In 2012 I created my first blog: Rosa Pantufa (I know, I know… Not very creative). Soon after, Instagram launched and posted a photo for every step I took… It was kind of addiction. Well, I guess it still is…

At first, I took ordinary pictures not worrying too much about editing or anything, I just wanted to make lots of clicks out there. A few years later I got to know the incredible world of mobile photo editors and I fell in love. I wanted to edit a photo with a thousand effects just for the fun of it. But I began to observe the trends on Instagram and how bloggers used to edit photos and started trying to replicate them.

Currently, photo edit is a hobby, side by side with looking for inspiring photos on Instagram or Pinterest. I feel super calm doing this and sometimes I lose track of time when I enter this world of photography.

I hope to be able to help you with all that I learned in this world … let’s together make your photos even more beautiful? So let’s go…

Oh, if you want to stay in touch with me, just follow me on social networks and we can chat.


