5 AirBrush Tools to Create Engaging Promotional Content this Winter

Creating new promotional content every season can feel like it gets more impossible the longer you do it. You may feel the pressure to say something brand new or thought-provoking. And if that’s the case, we encourage you to look at every promotion, sale and launch as its own unique event that you want to share with your audience. This stance will position you to take advantage of the year’s biggest shopping season. Additionally, social media platforms provide the highest engagement with your audience, so it follows, that attention-grabbing content is required.

Your brand’s messaging should be targeted and consistent. What are you trying to do? Persuade, educate or entertain? In all cases, content should be clear so it can attract the right customers. AirBrush has the tools you need to make your content more engaging this winter.


promotional content - filter

This tool feeds neatly into the previous point about consistency. Using Filters means not having to customize hues, saturation and values for every photo, that is if you even knew how to do that. Instead, our filters ensure that you get the same look and tone, despite other variables that can occur on any given photoshoot day. To keep a hold of your audience’s attention you can change filters according to the holiday or season of the year. Where summer would have been bright and hot (in terms of color), your winter promotional content can be doused in cooler tones to reflect the general mood and environment.


promotional content - background

If you have a fixed range of products that circulate throughout the year, it feels lacklustre to keep posting the same item, in the same setting, in front of the same background month after month. However, the Background tool allows you to change the scenery for a custom backdrop. You can keep it simple and simply change the color of the wall behind the product. Or you can change the entire backdrop to something more winter appropriate. Although there are a number of available Backgrounds provided for users, you have the option to upload your own photo to upgrade your promotional content.


promotional content - text

Despite the highly visual nature of social media platforms, text still has a prominent role to play, particularly for businesses. Once the image has done its job of pulling the viewer’s eye, Text swiftly communicates the point of the post. The actual copy (what the text says) you use will be determined by the three categories promotional content should fall into. Persuade, entertain or educate. If you’re creating the copy for your content, Text allows for changes in font, size, color, background and transparency. 

Pro-tip: Keep the copy as tight and minimal as possible to avoid overcrowding your post and losing the viewer’s attention.


woman in textured jacket

Perhaps you’re looking to reuse assets that were developed a while ago. You know, when resources were tight and the final images were just satisfactory. You may have plans to reshoot them and upgrade the lighting and editing for a more polished look. But you can get that professional look with those same old photos, once the image or product is still relevant. Presets offers ready-made Filter, Sculpt and Makeup enhancements with just one touch. If you’re concerned about too much or too little of any one feature in a Preset, you can individually customize the elements to suit your needs.


woman wearing beige sweater

Our last tool to help you create engaging promotional content is our Enhance feature. This tool takes it back to basics with the ability to alter Brightness, Saturation, Contrast, Highlights, Shadows, etc. It may sound like a basic tool, and it is, but the fine-tuning it provides before launching into other edits is invaluable. For example, the product shots you took yourself may be insufficiently lit, Brightness, Contrast and Sharpen will help bring out the details that are important for the viewer to see. You can then play around with Saturation or the other tools mentioned above to get a more curated look.

That’s the list, done and dusted. If you’re re-positioning for the holiday season or just starting out with creating promotional content, AirBrush has the tools to get you on your way. Our last bit of advice would be to not be intimidated into trying every trend and template you see passing online. Establish your brand’s messaging and rules of engagement and stick to them to maintain authenticity. When your business page posts are ready, tag them with #AirBrushApp and don’t forget to follow us @AirBrushOfficial for our latest tips and hacks!